Qiming Shao

Principal Investigator

Qiming Shao is an assistant professor in the departments of Electronic and Computer Engineering and Physics (by courtesy) at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He received his Bachelor’s degree from Tsinghua University and his Ph.D. from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). His research works are published in top peer-reviewed journals and conferences, including Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Electronics, Nature Communications, Nano Letters, and International Electron Device Meeting. He is a recipient of IEEE Magnetics Society’s 2022 Early Career Award, UCLA 2018-2019 Dissertation Year Fellowship, Distinguished PhD Dissertation Award, 2019 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad, two Best Poster Awards at 2018 International Conference on Magnetism, and 2015 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship finalist. He was the chair of the IEEE Hong Kong Joint Chapter of Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits from 2020 to 2021. He is now the Chair of IEEE Hong Kong Magnetics Chapter. He is an associate editor of npj spintronics.

Email: eeqshao at ust dot hk

Shiwei TIAN

Postdoc Researcher

Dr. Shiwei TIAN graduated from Shandong University in 06.2020, and worked on the RF filters and antennas as the post-doctoral researcher in college of integrated circuit, Tsinghua university from 09.2020 to 05.2023. Now, he joined in SQML group and specializes in materials and devices for intelligent wireless integrated circuits. Utilizing VCMA and the piezoelectric effects, he intends to improve SOT efficiency as well as the switching properties, then to realize ultra-low power consuming propose for STT- or SOT-MRAM devices. He as works on memory device-based artificial intelligence (AI) hardware for deep learning applications to improve the speed and reduce the power consumption of medical AI algorithms, making them feasible on edge devices.

Zheyu REN

PhD student

He obtained his bachelor degree from Harbin Institute of Technology, majoring in Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering. He joined SQML as a postgraduate student in Fall 2019. His research interests include spintronics materials and devices.

Email: zrenai at connect dot ust dot hk


PhD student

She obtained her MSEE degree from Northeastern University (US) and bachelor degree of metallic materials engineering from Sichuan University. She is a recipient of HKUST Redbird Scholarship. She will join SQML as a postgraduate student in Fall 2020. Her research interests include magnetic materials and spintronic devices.

Email: kqianab at connect dot ust dot hk

Ruizi LIU

PhD student

He obtained his bachelor degree from South China University of Technology, majoring in Electronic Science and Technology. He will join SQML as a postgraduate in Fall 2021. His research interests include 2D materials-based spintronic devices.

Email: rliuap at connect dot ust dot hk

Zhihua XIAO

PhD student

He obtained his bachelor's degree in Microelectronic Engineering from the Southern University of Science and Technology. He will join SQML as a postgraduate student in Fall 2021. His research interests include digital circuit design, computer vision, and low-power processors for deep learning.

Email: zxiaoam connect dot ust dot hk

Xiuzhu WANG

PhD student (co-supervised with Prof. Yanguang ZHOU)

She obtained her bachelor degree from Xidian University, majoring in Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering. She obtained MSc from HKUST, majoring in electronic engineering. She will become a member of SQML in  2021. Her research interests include spintronic device theory and modeling.

Email: xwangfj at connect dot ust dot hk

Shun Kong (Jonathan) CHEUNG

MPhil student

He completed his Bachelor degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering at HKUST. He joined SQML as a postgraduate student in Fall 2021. His research interests includes in-memory computing, embedded system and spintronic devices.

Email: skcheungag at connect dot ust dot hk

Zehan CHEN
Research Assistant (co-supervised by Prof. Kam Tuen LAW)
He will obtain the degree of Bachelor of Science in physics from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). He is the recipient of the Mr. Armin and Mrs. Lillian Kitchell Undergraduate Research Award in 2022. He will join SQML as a RA in Fall 2022. His research interests include magnetic skyrmions and magnetic topological materials.
Email: zchende at connect dot ust dot hk

Zihan (Andrew) TONG

PhD Student

He obtained the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) in Electronic Engineering from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), with an additional minor in Physics. He is a recipient of Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (HKPFS) Award. He will join SQML as a postgraduate student in Fall 2022. His research interests include device-algorithm co-optimisation of novel spintronic devices and the circuit design related.

Email: ztongab at connect dot ust dot hk

Ferris Prima NUGRAHA

PhD student

In 2022, he received his bachelor's degree from HKUST in Computer Engineering with minor in Physics. He received the IPhO gold medal in 2017. He is a recipient of Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (HKPFS) Award. He will join SQML as a postgraduate student in Fall 2022. His research interests include circuit design in memories, novel computing, and quantum computing.

Email: fpnugraha at connect dot ust dot hk

Xuezhao WU

PhD student

He received his bachelor's degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, majoring in Microelectronic Science and Engineering. He is a visiting undergraduate at SQML since summer 2021. He will join SQML in the 2022 fall as a postgraduate student. He will mainly focus on spin-orbit torque devices and the physics behind them.

Email: xwubx at connect dot ust dot hk

Jiacheng LIU

PhD student

He obtained his bachelor’s degree from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, majoring in Microelectronic Science and Technology. He will join SQML as a postgraduate in Fall 2022. His research interests include quantum spintronic device design and hybrid systems based on spintronics.

Email: jliuex at connect dot ust dot hk

Yiyang ZHANG

PhD student (co-supervised with Prof. Junwei LIU)

He obtained his bachelor’s degree from Nanjing University in 2022, majoring in physics. He will join SQML as a postgraduate student in fall 2022. His research interests include 2D spintronics materials and magnetism.

Email: yzhangok at connect dot ust dot hk

Xiaolin REN

PhD student (co-supervised with Prof. Junwei LIU)

She obtained her bachelor degree of materials engineering from City University of Hong Kong. She will join SQML as a postgraduate in Fall 2022. Her research interests include magnetic materials and spintronic devices.

Email: xrenaj at connect dot ust dot hk


PhD student (co-supervised with Prof. Bei ZENG)

She received her Master's degree in Computer Science and Technology from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and Bachelor of Science degree in Information and Computing Science from Sichuan Normal University.  She will be joining SQML in fall 2022. Her research interests include quantum computing, quantum simulation and quantum finance.

Email: yhuangfv at connect dot ust dot hk

Siyuan JIN

MPhil student (co-supervised with Prof. Bei ZENG and Prof. Kar Yan Tam)

Siyuan JIN obtained his bachelor's degree in Financial Technology from the South China University of Technology. He received China National Scholarship in 2020 and Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (HKPFS) award 2024-2025. He was a Research Full Stack Engineer in HSBC Laboratory from 2020 to 2022. He joined SQML as a postgraduate student in fall 2022. His research interests include blockchain, quantum computing and quantum finance. 

Email: siyuan.jin at connect dot ust dot hk

Ching Ho (Henry) CHAN

MPhil student

He obtained his Bachelor's degree in Electronic Engineering at HKUST. He will join SQML as a postgraduate student in Fall 2022. His research interests include spintronic devices, embedding systems, and in-memory computing.

Email: chchancz at connect dot ust dot hk

Yaoru HOU

PhD student  

He obtained his bachelor degree and master degree from Southeast University, majoring in Electronic Science and Technology. He will join SQML as a postgraduate student in Fall 2023. His research interests include MRAM circuit design and compute-in-memory.

Mohammadamin (Amin) Motahhari 

PhD student  

He completed two bachelor degrees in electrical engineering and physics at Sharif institute of technology. He ranked 6th among more than 140000 participants in the national university exam. He was a visiting student at SQML in summer 2021. He is author of a book about common-sense based decision making. He also runs a small bedlight manufacturing business in his country. He received Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (HKPFS) award 2024-2025 and will join SQML as a graduate student in Fall 2024. His research interest include in-memory computing, circuit design in memories, neuromorphic chips, and spintronic devices.

Undergraduate Students

  • Matthew Fong (UROP student, major in Physics, Fall 2019-Summer 2021)
  • Zehan CHEN (UROP student, major in Physics, Fall 2019-Spring 2022)
  • Madeline CHAN (UROP student, major in CPEG, Summer 2020-Spring 2022)
  • Zhiyuan LV (UROP student, major in CPEG, Summer 2020)
  • York TSANG (UROP student, Summer 2020)
  • Zihan TONG (UROP student, major in ELEC, Fall 2020-Spring 2022)
  • Yidong FANG (UROP student, major in ELEC, Fall 2020)
  • Hexiang XING (UROP student, major in ELEC, Fall 2020-Fall 2021)
  • Jiarong GUO (UROP student, major in ELEC, Spring 2021)
  • Hanmo LIU (UROP student, CPEG, Spring 2021)
  • Ferris Prima NUGRAHA (UROP student, CPEG, Spring 2021-Spring 2022)
  • Peiqi WANG (UROP student, Spring 2021)
  • Ka Ming ZAU (UROP student, Spring 2021)
  • Yueyan ZHENG (UROP student, major in CPEG, Summer 2021-Spring 2022)
  • Wenhan ZHENG (UROP student, Summer-Fall 2021)
  • Luk Yo HO (UROP student, major in Physics, Summer 2021)
  • Zimo XU (UROP student, major in CPEG, Summer 2021-Fall 2021)


  • Yuchen CAI (2020-2021, UG, PG)
  • Zhengkun QI (2020-2021, UG, MSc, Cadence, Shanghai)
  • Isaac NG (2019-2021, UG, Gnomon School of Visual Effects, Los Angeles)
  • Yuting LIU (2019-2021, Postdoc, now at Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen)